What’s in my Library Basket March 2022

As I’ve gotten much closer to my goal of paying off my consumer debt this year, I’ve been relying more & more on my local library to allow to me to keep up with all the years new releases, plus my extensive backlog! I’ve also been trying to branch out a bit more, and pick up some things that I would not normally go for. What does your library basket look like?

In no particular order:

A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft

I’m really proud of myself for not buying this book upon sight simply because of the cover; It only sat in my Amazon cart for two weeks, existing merely through wishful thinking & cowering under the judgemental gaze of my measly bank account….

I don’t typically like to make comparisons when talking about content, however it is very clear to me where Allison found her inspiration for this story! It is very much a love letter to folklore, historical fiction, and a certain Alchemist story….

I have only read a couple of chapters so far, and I will hold off my thoughts until I have finished the story. But that cover alone, wow!

Unseen Magic by Emily Lloyd-Jones

I have been keeping my eye out for this one, waiting for the day it hit shelves! I read & loved her other work, The Bone Houses, so much that I kinda put her on my “Insta-buy/read” author list. (Does anyone else keep a mental list of authors that way?) This is a middle-grade debut for her, and all I really know about it going in is that it is about a young girl who goes to stay with family in a mysterious, magical town nestled in the Redwoods of California! Sign me UP.

The Bone Spindle by Leslie Vedder

I stumbled across this one by accident when I was searching the database of my library for an entirely different book. I haven’t heard anyone speak of it really, and what a shame! A retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty, with adventures and fairy godmothers** and magical shenanigans? I’m here for it!

**not confirmed, only assumed because I saw the cover and hit the checkout button before I could read the synopsis. Did I read the synopsis before posting this? Also no. I am nothing if not impulsive 🙂

Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood

Have I read Ali’s other smash hit, The Love Hypothesis? No. (Have I even watched all of the Star Wars movies that her previous pairing is based on? Also no…) But I saw that this audio-novella was available, and I just HAVE to give it a try, based on all of the rave reviews I’ve seen for Ali’s other work. I must confess that romance-genre books are not a personal favorite of mine, but that is because I am the type of person that has to get to know the characters before the steamy stuff comes, or I feel strangely….uncomfortable? (I’m weird, I know I know). But I am absolutely all about women in STEM, and stories from the research station etc. so I’ll give it my best shot. The cover is super cute!

and there you have it!

It’s not much, but it’s a start. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been in a massive reading slump the last couple of months, and it’s not doing much for my mental health. Do you have any good reading recommendations, or advice on how you persevere through a slump?

Until Next time –Lux

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